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Keep Your Sailing Skills Up

We all know there are a few ways we pick up new knowledge in sailing: on the water, in the classroom, and talking with fellow seafarers. And since we can’t push off the dock to practice skippering anytime soon, now is the perfect time to hone your skills via virtual schoolroom learning. Our trusted partner, NauticEd, makes it easy by offering a full suite of training courses as well as a free electronic logbook to document your future sailing adventures. NauticEd now has 2 free sailing courses available courtesy of Sunsail to ensure you feel ready to hit the water as soon as you can!

Sunsail Skipper Training

Whether you want to become a better crew member, skipper in near coastal conditions, qualify for bareboat chartering, or get way offshore, NauticEd can help you get there. The first class available for free is a Navigation Rules Clinic, starting with a nomenclature and seamanship introduction, and moving into procedures for boat-on-boat and avoidance. This course is great for learning about giving way and keeping clear so you can follow the “rules of the road” when cruising.

The second free online class available concentrates on sail trim and is meant to educate you on basic trimming techniques. This course gives you an understanding of the effect wind has on sails and how to control that force. By the end of the training, you will comprehend how to sail any point of sail and the proper trim that goes with it!

Female Skipper Sunsail

NauticEd also offers courses to complete your Sailing License and credentials (SLC). Click here to view an SLC overview and instructions. As an added bonus, when you achieve the NauticEd Bareboat Charter Master rank, Sunsail automatically qualifies you to be a skipper at any of our non-European destinations. For European locations, NauticEd’s Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) is accepted as a valid license. The SLC combines the Bareboat Charter Master rank with a required practical on-the-water assessment by an approved sailing instructor. Learn more about gaining a European sailing license today.

Don’t let this valuable opportunity slip away. Take advantage of your stay-at-home time by brushing up on some old skills or learning new ones. And don’t forget to follow us on social media for our knot of the week, expert tips, and ideas on how to channel a “vacay state of mind.” 


Dominique Wright

Plan Your Dream Vacation